Stepping out into the world is tough and it's scary, but it’s where you find your path. Every day is a new opportunity to have the life you desire. With every sunrise comes a chance to be more, to do more, to become more than you were yesterday. Who you were in the past is just that—in the past. Only you get to decide how you want to show up. How interesting, oftentimes we don't even realize that the decision is ours and ours alone.
We have to purpose to ask ourselves every day: What do I need to do today to become the person that I want to be tomorrow? Are you just getting up every morning and repeating patterns that you have always repeated, becoming no more than you were yesterday? Or are you doing what's necessary to ignite within yourself the passion to achieve what you desire? These are not minor differences.
I've experienced both sides of this life—one full of hope, passion, and purpose, and one where I'm just going through the obligation of the day. I recall what it's like to live without purpose, with no set goals to work toward, no north star. That’s not taking responsibility; that's not living up to your passion. That’s simply walking through life like you're waiting for the end of it. And while not working towards my goals, mission, and purpose may have felt comfortable in that moment, I stole from myself the very thing that ignites passion within us all:
At some point, you realize that by standing still, you are actually going backward. At some point, you wake up to the fact that you have been asleep, simply walking through life. Your current state is a result of your current level of tolerance; it’s nothing more elegant than that. When we finally get to the point where we can no longer tolerate our current state, our current reality, the one that has allowed us to live in the space of mediocrity, only then will we stop tolerating being average. Only then will we stop holding hands with the mundane. That’s when the opportunity for real change can happen.
Some of my greatest rebirths in life have come after some of life’s greatest storms. That’s typical, right? It’s life’s way of giving us the opportunity to either crash into the rocks or become the next, better version of ourselves. It gives us the chance to get lost at sea or to find new lands, to drift into troubled waters or to point the bow towards our desired destination. Life’s challenges have a way of making us focus on the weakest parts of our character, providing us the opportunity to build better boats and shore up our flaws. We end up with what we allow in life. We become what we permit ourselves to be, or what life has determined for us. We must set our sail toward our horizon, or we are at the mercy of life’s winds. We must take the wheel and navigate to find new lands.
Stepping out into your chosen future is scary. It’s tough to put yourself out there because doing hard things can lead to disappointment. But it’s where you find your path, your true calling, your future self. Venturing into the unknown demand's courage, as every new beginning is laced with uncertainty. Yet, it’s through this discomfort and challenge that we uncover our true potential and discover opportunities we never imagined. Embracing the fear of the unfamiliar open's doors to growth, learning, and self-discovery. Each step forward, no matter how hesitant, brings you closer to understanding your unique journey and finding your place in the world. The risk of stepping out is outweighed by the rewards of personal evolution and the fulfillment that comes from pursuing your true calling. And as you navigate through these trials, the fear eventually transforms into exhilaration.
What once seemed daunting becomes a testament to your resilience and bravery. In the end, you find that stepping into the unknown was not just a leap of faith, but the very act that carved out your path, shaping your destiny and leading you to a place where you can truly thrive. It is in these moments of bold exploration that you truly come alive, embracing the journey with a newfound sense of purpose and clarity. Give everything you have in this life, until there is nothing left.
Save nothing for the next life.